Apply for a Home Loan
Online Home Loan Applications
Apply Online (Opens in a new Window) for a home loan in as little as 20 minutes!
Apply for a home loan on your schedule with our fast, secure online loan application. Once you begin the loan application process, you have the option to save your progress and come back to it at a later time.
Next Steps:
- Get a custom rate quote (Opens in a new Window)
Receive customized mortgage rate and payment information - Sign up for Rate Watch (Opens in a new Window)
Get alerted when rates change - Fill out an application online (Opens in a new Window)
Banking made easy!
Getting Started:
Before you get started, you should have the following information on hand:
- Your personal information: Date of birth, social security number, driver's license or state ID number and current and former mailing addresses within the past two years for each applicant
- Your personal financial information: Primary and secondary income information, assets including retirement, investment and bank accounts, current debt obligations and tax returns for each applicant
- Property information: Property address, purchase price, year built, estimated down payment amount if buying or estimated property value and loan amount if refinancing or building
- Current real estate information: Most recent tax bill, homeowners insurance bill and applicable association dues for any real estate owned