Crop, Dairy & Livestock Insurance
We know farming involves risk and uncertainty. As your full-service agriculture partner, we've partnered with Great American Crop Insurance and NAU Country Insurance to offer the following policies to help protect your investment:
- Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) which protects against unpredictable disasters and market fluctuations
- Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) that can help dairy producers insure against unexpected declines in prices
- Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) that provides protection against the loss of gross margin between livestock price and feed costs
- Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) which provides protection against the decline in market prices of cattle, swine or lamb
We work directly with you to understand your needs and develop an insurance program that makes sense so you can have peace of mind in your growing agriculture business. Contact one of our licensed Insurance agents today to learn more and move your business forward!
- Tasha Mitchell (Richland Center, Hillsboro, Elroy): 608.647.8881
- Josh Esser (Cobb): 608.623.2313
- Jon Reynolds (Lancaster): 608.723.1550
- Steve Esser (Prairie du Chien): 608.326.8427
- Ty Kartman (Cassville): 608.725.512
- Mitch Droeszler (Dickeyville): 608.568.3334
Great American Crop Insurance and NAU Country Insurance are not a deposit institution, is not FDIC insured, is not insured by any federal government agency, not guaranteed by the bank and is subject to a decrease in value. This entity is an equal opportunity provider.